PTI in the Press
Continuation of the Continuation of the Twist By Dan Haugh
6-27-13 / CBOE Blog
Last week, the Federal Reserve announced their latest non decision making no changes except in verbiage, and will continue printing $85 billion of new money each month. This was despite the fact that in several statements by fed officials, including those of the chairman on May 22nd, indicating some eventual reduction of this amount… Read more.
The End of the Fed? By Dan Haugh
12-26-12 / CBOE Blog
The last Federal Open Market Committee meeting roughly two weeks ago may very well someday be looked upon as the beginning of the end for the Federal Reserve. With the benefit of hindsight, this could be the tipping point that the perception of the Federal Reserve being indeed independent finally became painfully and obviously untrue… Read more.
Correlation Anyone? By Dan Haugh
4-25-11 / CBOE Blog
Any one that is close to the market can testify that stocks have developed an extreme case of herd mentality. It is more that slightly surprising that frequently there will be a move in the market and every single stock, and for that matter even many commodities, will be moving the same direction an approximately the same percentage as the indexes… Read more.
Risk Trade Back On by Dan Haugh
3-15-11 / CBOE Blog
Lately, when the din of geopolitical and commodities based price shocks allow, the “Risk Trade” of buying sophisticated financial products, inter-currency trades or any commodity that can be a generic equivalent of an inflation trade grinds on based on a wash of liquidity… Read more.
Eight Ways to Bet Against Bernanke
11-1-10 / Forbes
Double-digit mortgage rates. Bond bubble. Dollar bills fluttering in the gutter.Do any of these scary thoughts cross your mind when you hear about the Fed’s “quantitative easing”? If so, it’s time to stop losing sleep. It’s time to hedge… Read more.
What’s in a Name? That Which We Call Options Strategies
7-31-09 / SFO Magazine
Iron butterfly, back spread, condor, Christmas tree. Of all the subsections that make up the financial service industry, it seems that the options world has cornered the market on unusually named investment strategies. Have you ever wondered where these odd names originated? You’re not alone. I’m serious…. Read more.
Diversification Is Not Enough
5-26-09 / SFO Magazine
Iron butterfly, back spread, condor, Christmas tree. Of all the subsections that make up the financial service industry, it seems that the options world has cornered the market on unusually named investment strategies. Have you ever wondered where these odd names originated? You’re not alone. I’m serious… Read more.
SMAs Beat Funds in ’08
3-11-09 / Financial Advisor Magazine
Last year some rich investors finished richer—or, at least a little less poor—than other investors did.
The well-to-do in so-called separately managed accounts, or SMAs, did better on average in 2008 than typically less-well-off mutual fund holders, bolstering some of the brokerage industry’s marketing claims about these products’ superiority… Read more.
Top-performing Equity Managers
2-23-09 / Pensions & Investments
Strategies high in cash and gold holdings and those that aggressively shorted the market topped equity
manager results for 2008 in Morningstar Inc.’s separate account/collective investment trust fund database.
There was no clear pattern among the top-performing managers, reflecting the hectic nature of the
markets, said Rachael Olson, an institutional analyst for Morningstar’s separate accounts/commingled funds
data services in Chicago… Read more.